Saturday, October 06, 2007


Yesterday our All Blacks flag was flying all day..... now it's replaced with a blue/white & red one. !!! It's a sad day in France (for kiwi's)

Monday, October 01, 2007


This weekend Shaun had to give a speech in a small town in the centre of France. A Kiwi WW2 pilot was shot down over this town in July 1944 and his body rests here. They named a street after him and it was such an honour to be there.

Shaun and Maia in Avord
Lt Beazers medals

Us at Lt Beazers grave

Shaun at the entrance to the cemetry.

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Shaun making his speech.. (in french!!!)

Shaun and Maia with the Road sign

Shaun putting flowers on Lt Beazers grave

With Ron Beazer.. the nephew of the fallen pilot
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The tunnels where the Germans had their AAA guns and shot the plane down from

Maia and the Avord memorial
Shaun and the bagpipe guy...
With the Beazer family.
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